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The I15 sounds every bit as good as it looks thanks to Primare’sclever amplifier design
with little details like the lovely cueing action of the StudioDeck+ and full remote control of the Primare meaning that there is absolutely no suffering for your art here. Instead, there is the specific and gratifying satisfaction of enjoying a system that is a great deal more than the sum of its parts. The reason for this is simple enough and stems from the slight variation in design philosophy from the different companies involved. For MoFi and, to a slightly lesser extent Primare, the priority is accuracy. If you’ve built a reputation for truly reference-level pressings, it really cannot be any other way and the StudioDeck+ rejoices in this mission statement.

Unforced detail
Present Tense by Wild Beasts in the hands of the MoFi is an armchair in the corner of the studio where they worked their craft. Without once feeling like there is a moment of over emphasis anywhere in the frequency response, the level of unforced detail and three dimensionality on offer here is truly outstanding. The Primare takes this feed and does nothing to affect that ‘straight off the desk’-style presentation. What it does so effectively as well as this, though, is ensure that this is never matter of fact, let alone harsh or aggressive. This means that your studio vantage point is never an uncomfortable one, even if the operatives themselves might not have been having the best day.
The true twist in the tail is the input of the Saxo 40 into this signal path. Again, with a focus on remaining faithful to the recording, voices in particular are seriously impressive in their presence and realism, making everything enormous fun. Some of this stems from technical application – the bass is controlled and cohesive and there’s little perception of the cabinet in the performance. Some of it is purely down to System Audio’s determination to have a good time.

This is a system that will sit happily in most spaces without dominating them
What this means is that when you play something with a bit of get up and go to it like Imploding The Mirage by The Killers, this system delivers a truly magnificent balance of accuracy and sheer, unbridled joy. Not for the first time, I am happy to point out that timing is a somewhat subjective concept and one that is more than an easily defined measurement on a trace. At the same time, I’d be very surprised if you didn’t sit down in front of this system – even if your own regular listen is rather more expensive – and still not be momentarily taken aback by just how astonishingly together it is.
With this comes a reminder that timing is not simply a reflection of speedy rock music being played like the clappers. Pivoting genres to Sorcerer by Miles Davis sees this trio still deliver truly remarkable involvement. Here the ability of the MoFi to unpick this dense and complex recording without any sense of over emphasis or favouritism is complemented by the wonderful even handedness of the Primare and the speed and liveliness of the Saxo 40. It’s not a ‘good cop, good cop, bad cop’ dynamic, more that one third of the partnership is a glass half-full type of personality and it imparts a positivity to everything that they do as a team. I’ve heard systems from one manufacturer that can’t do this – perhaps because this sort of synergy requires more than one take on the way things should be done.

Considered compromise
All of this happens without impinging on the gratifying practicality of this trio. It takes up an entirely sensible amount of space, is a joy to use and it exudes the beauty that comes from good design being well implemented. I had envisaged writing a piece that focused on this real-world usability but, instead I’ve been sideswiped by the sheer joy that it offers. It is a reminder, though, that compromise is not a dirty word in audio. By making some considered compromises in their design thinking, these companies have created a system that brokers no compromise where it matters and the results are outstanding.
Hi Fi Choice, June 2021
I15 MM: Beautiful System Review
Primare I15 MM integrated amplifier and MM phono stage
Primare I15 MM is an all analog integrated amplifier, featuring 60 watts of power per channel, and MM15 moving magnet phono stage.
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